
We handle materials that are critical to maintaining satisfactory living standards, and this defines our mission — to remain a dependable supplier of commodities, always. We recognize our business responsibility to use limited resources sparingly, in order to protect the global environment and the livelihood of people. Applying the knowledge and knowhow we have acquired over time, while working together with communities and customers to promote a sustainable world — this will lead to further enhancement of our corporate value.

Fundamental Approach

Shoko’s corporate mission is to contribute to the furtherance of high living standards through business activities that demonstrate aspirational goals, sincerity and passion, while aiming for an solid business foundation, sustainable growth, and the creation of new value.

Climate change problems are being experienced globally and require urgent action. At a time of growing calls for carbon-neutrality, we have declared that contributing to the achievement of a decarbonized world is an important goal in its Mid-term Management Plan. The plan, which was launched in 2022 and entitled, “Create Value, Passion to Grow,” proactively promotes business that contributes to global greenhouse gas reduction.

Ever since our establishment in 1947 we have demonstrated the desire to listen to our clients and build equitable networks with corporate partners, using the expertise we have gained with them to respond straightforwardly to their needs. We shall continue to do this, guided by our corporate mission to contribute to the furtherance of high living standards, always ready to create new value.