Our Quality Assurance and Quality Management Rules were adopted to ensure that customers receive a reliable supply of quality commodities that satisfy their requirements. We strive to keep improving the quality of the commodities we handle. The organizational activity is in-company training programs, and regular internal audits. They are designed to ensure improvements whenever necessary, placing customer satisfaction first. The aim here is quality assurance and quality management, for everything from commodities procured for sale, to products commissioned for manufacture and imported goods.
Initiatives for Society
at Large
We are an enterprise pursuing business objectives, and are also a member of society. We accept our responsibly to promote regional, social and economic advancement through our business and through social activities. In this way, we will be valued as a company that serves the needs of economies and customers. We maintain a strong organization and value our personnel, who are the future. Our management foundation promotes growth strategies. We offer training and education programs to our diverse personnel. Our promotion of digitalization aims for greater business efficiency and productivity.
Product Safety / Quality Improvement
To respond nimbly to changes in the business environment and customer requirements, we maintain training programs and a work environment that encourages personnel to fully demonstrate their own individuality, talent and knowledge, under an atmosphere of respect for diverse viewpoints and values. A Diversity Steering Committee has been set up within the General Affairs Department, with committee members selected from the branches.
Personnel Training
Our staff are the face of our company, and our most important management resource. We respect the individuality of each person, and strive to provide a workplace where they know they will grow and feel useful members of society. Employee training is based first on planned on-the-job-training. Targeted training programs hone their business skills, leading them to work effectively and obtain qualifications. Their individual aptitudes and prospective career paths help define the opportunities they are given to grow. Training is proactive, geared toward work patterns that welcome independence of thought.
Human Resouce system & Improvement of work enviroment
Our most important resource is its employees. The company offers work opportunities and important, challenging roles, according to skill level and actual experience, and regardless of gender, age nationality, or other identifier. We promote a workplace environment where all employees, male and female alike, can develop as members of a team, influencing each other and fully exercising their skills, within a good work-life balance.
Promotion of Health Management
Health management is an important element in business management, as our declaration affirms. Corporate growth depends on the safety and physical/mental health of our employees, and Shoko actively promotes health management with effective measures.
Health Management Declaration
- We affirms the importance of a friendly work environment that promotes the safety and health of all its employees.
- We and the Health Insurance Association cooperate in efforts to maintain and improve physical and mental health.
- We actively supports efforts to maintain and improve physical and mental health, with every employee demonstrating responsibility for their own health.
Internal Mechanisms
- medical institutions, and the Health Insurance Association. Our work for employee health and healthful work conditions is regularly discussed at meetings of the Health and Sanitation Promotion Committee, etc. This provides opportunities to examine issues and countermeasures, for further promotion of health management.

Contributing to Society
In line with our Corporate Code of Conduct, we demonstrate respect for the culture and customs of regions where our company operates. We contribute to their development, and as a good corporate citizen we recognize the importance of social responsibility. For example, we organize activities that contribute to local communities.

Support for Recovery After Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami
After the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami hit Japan’s Tohoku region in March 2011, we donated total 45 air cleaners equipped with enzyme filters to the emergency management headquarters in the city of Kamaishi, the town of Yamada and others, to aid recovery efforts there.

Cleaning Up Around Office Building "Tamachi Clean Work" Supported by The Musubu Tamachi Community
Tidying and cleaning was done around office buildings where our headquarters are located (Tamachi Station Tower S & N), focusing on the building’s main floor and exterior, and the deck on the 2nd floor. This visually helped raise the value of facilities in the area.

Emergency Food Reserves Donated for Disaster Preparedness
Our company donated food to be stored at Second Harvest Nagoya for emergency preparedness (enough alpha rice for 1,246 meals). The rice replaced the reserve being cycled out to a foodbank for people in need. These donations support efforts to reduce food waste and poverty.